Thursday, December 30, 2010

Dec 30 2010 Confession = Freedom

Confession = Freedom
Have you found yourself asking God to forgive you for the same thing over and over again? Does it seem every night when you put your head on your pillow you realize your wrong doing even though you had promised yourself you wouldn’t do it again? You really do desire to walk in God’s ways and to be a light in this dark world, but are not sure what to do about your perpetual sin?
God is on your side and will lead you to victory. Rick Warren, in his book “The Purpose Driven Life,” says, “He’s not mad at you.
He’s mad about you.” Going to God
with your struggles is the first
step toward freedom.
Read James 5:16. What is the next step?
What is the outcome?
What type of person does God want you to confess your sins to?
It is to your advantage that you confess your sin to someone, but it is even more important to whom you tell. God has placed godly men and women in your life to guide you and give you wisdom. These people can keep you accountable for living for God. Your Bible study teacher, student minister, mentor, or parents have your best interest at heart and want you to succeed.
Prayer: Father thank you that we are made clean when we confess our faults to you.  Help me to turn away from my old ways and run to yours. In Jesus name Amen

1 comment:

  1. I like the blog thing, and awesome message. That's something I need to work on, going to God with my problems first.
