Friday, December 31, 2010

The Travel bag

READ FIRST:   John 8:4-11   <---(click on this link))

I was packing a travel bag for my Christmas vacation recently.  I carefully rolled my pillow, wrapped it in a blanket and tied it with bungee cords.  I flattened out my shirts, along with my pants, and somehow managed to stuff in there 8 days of clothing.  The bag was FULL!  You couldn’t have put anything else in if you tried.  I had to sit on the bag just to zip it up.
Well of course, as soon as I get the bag packed, I realize I need a pair shoes that’s not yet packed.  So I try to get them in the bag, but it’s just not happening.  So something has to go~  So I just threw the extra pair in my jeep. 

Look at the last line of this amazing passage.   This woman has had an emotional day.  She is humilated from having been caught in adultery and she is about to be killed.  Then Jesus came in and literally saves her life.  He tells her that he does not condemn her, and then says these words ”Go and leave your life of sin.” 
We can learn something very important from this scripture.  There’s something that needs to go to make room!  Our sin.  It just has to go!  There is simply no room for both.  Many people will try to hang on to sin in their life.  But when they do, they don’t have room for the Lord.  God is saying take out the sin and make room for Him.   
But there’s one catch – he wants it all.  He doesn’t want a small smount.  He doesn’t want a corner of your life that you aren’t using!  He wants the whole thing – so sin has to go!

Pray that God would help you understand that we can’t do both – we can’t serve ourselves and God!  Pray surrendering those things to the Lord. 

Leave your sin.  Don’t continue – get rid of it.  There is no room for it in your life!

Want to know more?  Further study   
Hebrews 12Romans 62 Cor 5:17

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