Saturday, January 1, 2011

Iron Sharpens Iron-New Year


Proverbs 27:17 
(Click link) 


Think:   Iron sharpens iron.  Pretty cool.  Basically, really old swords were made of iron.  And how were these swords sharpened? You guessed it – iron. They were sharpened either with one or both of the following: they would heat the iron sword until it was glowing hot and then pound the hot iron with a cold piece of iron so that a sharp edge began to take shape.  Also, they would take a piece of iron and repeatedly drag it across the area that would eventually become the sharp edge.          

                                                                                                                                                              This scripture is telling us that we need to be doing this stuff for each other.  We need to do some pounding on each other every once in a while.  The scripture is clearly talking about us helping others become what God wants us to be.  The analogy is clear – not one is better than the other – both are pieces of iron.  However, both help each other out.  This takes on many different forms, but one of the clearest is accountability.                                                     

Accountability is about two or more people helping to sharpen each other.  It involves meeting regularly and an open honest relationship.  Each time you meet, you ask each other a series of probing personal questions that would require the other person responding on whether or not they were guilty.  Don’t get me wrong - it’s no party.  However, in the end, it’s best for everyone involved. I said in my first devotional confession brings healing, undealt with sin becomes bondage and guilt. It is the things the hinder you from running fast strong and healthy in your race with Christ. Check out 
Hebrews 12                                                                                                        

I myself have other guys that i meet with weekly that hold me accountable. I have grown so much in this past month. And have overcome many sins, obstacles, and hindrances to my faith and the calling God has placed on my life.                                                                             

Think about someone in your life that you can be honest, and transparent with and trust to be completely confident in all areas discussed.  A CHRISTIAN WITHOUT ACCOUNTABILITY MANY TIMES  FALLS INTO SECRET SIN AND FEELS TRAPPED, GUILT, AND SHAME.
***Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.** James 5:16

So here’s the deal.  If you want accountability find a partner you trust and go for it.  Meet with them weekly and ask the tough questions.  

Here are some to get you started…
  1. Have you entertained a thought about something that you shouldn’t have?
    - have you had lust for someone, or held on to something that someone did to you
  2. Have you said something that you shouldn’t have?
    – have you said something hurtful, rude, or otherwise wrong to someone
  3.  – have you spread a rumor
  4. Have you looked at something you shouldn’t have looked at?
     – have you been places on the internet or on the television that you shouldn’t have
    – have you looked at a person in an inappropriate way
  5. Have you spent time in God’s Word and praying to him each day?  If so, what is God teaching you?
  6. Have you done anything else that is disobedient to God’s Word for which you need to be held accountable?
Then pray together and you’re done.  It’s simple!  Not easy, but the concept is easy!!!  Just make the time to do it!!!                                                                                                              

Pray: Pray that God would place people in your life that can hold you accountable.    

Act: Find at least one other person –  form an accounbtablility group.  Use the above questions to get started.  BE HONEST!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Jonny. Have you heart of The Crucible Project? There's a strong tie to the work they do and your excellent post about accountability & community. Here's their site
