Monday, January 3, 2011

Not a "Genie-kind-of-God"

Proverbs 7:2-3john 10:10  <--- Click link

So, I watched Aladdin again the other day (probably the 50th time to see it) I will say it – Aladdin – is definitely one of my favs and one of Disney’s best!  As I was watching it, I started thinking like  I did the first time I saw it…”Would it not be amazing to have some genie in a lamp and everytime you needed him, you could rub the lamp (or even just three times) and have what you wanted?”  And then reality set in again…that’s Disney!  The Christian life is definitely not Disney and God is definitely not a Genie-Kind-of -God!  But the Bible says there is a way to a great, productive, ahhhmazing, God-filled life!  You just read it…you forgot?  Jesus tells us that in John 10:10 and then He proved that He wanted you to have that kind of life when He laid down and died for you.  Do you think Jesus wanted to die so you could have a dull, boring existence!  Heck no Techno!  He’s God and He already knows what is best for you in life.  Even the Psalmist knew God had plans for him!  But he found out that it comes from listening and obeying God, not what he could conjure up and hope on his own. He says “…guard them as the apple of your eye.”  What’s the apple of your eye…well, it’s whatever you desire most!  Let’s face it!  Many things entice us or capture our affection and many times it’s nowhere near what God wants for us.  God has written you this amazing love letter so that you will be drawn to it for life!  Then the Psalmist begs you to “…Bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart.”  Bind what?  Write what?  These verses of life…do you have a life verse or 2 or 3?  You need one!  You need to let others know what they are, what your purpose is in life and what you are doing in life that will matter long after you’re in Heaven!  You’re going right?  If you are – then you found out how to get there through God’s amazing WORD!  Thank Him for that today…and continue to thank Him as you add His Words to your LIFE!
Mine are: Acts 20:24 But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus--the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of Go, 2 cor 5:17- Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:Or Christ, that person is a new creation. The old has gone, the new is here.
Pray As you pray today…just thank God for His amazing truths and promises found in His Word.  Ask God to give you a desire to be in His Word, to add His Words to your life daily and to live those words out on a daily basis!
Act:  Find you 2 or 3 LIFE VERSES that really stick with you!  Ones that you can add to your vocabulary (not just the address but the actual words).  Find 3 or 4 places you can write them to help you add them to your daily schedule of life (some call this memorization but you would’ve hated it if I said…to memorize them).  Once you have those written on the “tablet of your heart”…find some more and share them!

Further study
Matthew 7:7-11Jer 29:13

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